DIY Waste Paper Bin Kit

DIY Waste Paper Bin Kitjpg

Don’t you just love instant fix crafts? The ones that don’t take long to do but you still get that “yes I made that” feeling when they are done. Well today I’m talking about waste paper bins, not something I tend to give much (if any!) thought to at all, but they are one of those insanely useful things to have around the house.  I recently relocated my sewing area to our spare bedroom and was in desperate need of a bin for all my sewing off cuts, so rather than buying I decided I was going to make one! Cue these rather awesome DIY bin kits!

Making a bin is so easy, it takes about 30 minutes tops and if you have made a lampshade in the past it basically follows the same kind of principles. If anything the hardest thing about making the bin is picking which fabric to use!! I was tied between using the Yellow Crochet Squares from the Dashwood Studios Prairie range or one of the Flower Sugar Roses fabrics. In the end I decided on the Flower Sugar, making that decision almost took as long as making the bin itself, I kid you not.

All you need to make a waste paper bin is:
1/2 metre of fabric – I used Flower Sugar Roses in Pink
Bin Making Kit
Scissors or Rotary Cutter and Mat

1.  First iron your fabric getting out any creases. Put the fabric right side down on a clear surface and put your adhesive panel on top. Have a think about the direction of your pattern, the longer length of the panel will form the top of your bin and the shorter length the bottom so make sure your fabric is the right way up now!

Place panel on your fabric

2. Pull back the paper from the adhesive panel and stick the panel to your fabric. Slowly remove the paper bit by bit and apply even pressure to the panel so it adheres to the fabric with no lumps, bumps or creases. Once done flip it over and smooth the fabric onto the panel.Remove the adhesive coveringSmooth down the panel onto the fabric

3. Using scissors or a rotary cutter, cut the excess fabric from around the panel.Cut around the fabric

Covered panel

4. Snap the creased edges on the top and the bottom of the panel and remove them carefully leaving behind strips of fabric.Crack the sides

5. Take the metal rings and apply the double sided tape around the outside of the ring. Remove the paper from the tape and then fold the tape over the rings so it s fully covered and ready for sticking on your panel.

Apply double sided tape to the metal rings

press the tape down over thring

6. On one side of the panel there is some self adhesive tape remove this, then align your rings with the edge of the panel on the opposite side.

Take off the strip of adhesive

7. You want your rings to line up exactly where the panel meets the fabric. The large ring is at the top and the small ring is at the bottom.Slowly roll the rings down the panel

8. Gently roll your rings along the panel ensuring you keep the rings in line with the edge of the panel at all times.

Start rolling the ringsMake sure the rings are right on the edge of the panel

9. When you get to the end firmly press down on the overlapped fabric to get it to adhere to the sticky strip

10. Now comes the most time consuming bit folding the fabric over the rim and getting a neat finish. My tips are cut off any frayed edges before you start. Use the corner of the serrated edge of the tool to push the fabric firmly under the rim, a couple of pushes should get it in. Finish any stray threads using the pointed end.Tuck the fabric under the rings

On the picture above you can see I folded over the end of my fabric before tucking it in to get a neat finish.  Finish

11. Repeat with the bottom ring and you are nearly finished!

11. To finish peel of the plastic protective covering to the base and then firmly push the base into the bottom of your bin. You will be able to remove the base  if needed, or if you want it stay put just glue it down.

Pop the base in and you are finished

Thats it your bin is finished!  The finished bin measures 31cm tall and has a diameter of 25.5cm, it also makes for rather handy yarn storage!

DIY bin kit also makes for handy yarn storage!

Yes I definitely need to make another to store my current crochet WIPs, an excellent opportunity to use that yellow crochet squares fabric!

Happy Crafting

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Kate May

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